Moral Psychology Ellie Anderson Moral Psychology Ellie Anderson

Episode 110: Intensity

In episode 110 of Overthink, Ellie and David untangle the role of intensity in shaping our aspirations, cultural tropes, and political goals. They trace its roots in Aristotle's theory of change, medieval science and princely romanticism. They turn to Henri Bergson and Gilles Deleuze’s accounts of consciousness and emotion to explore how intensity looks beyond the scientistic impulse to categorize and quantify, and think about its role in capitalist acceleration.

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science Ellie Anderson science Ellie Anderson

Episode 107: Organisms

From Kant’s distinction between organisms and mechanisms, to Deleuze and Guattari’s infamous call for ‘bodies without organs,’ Ellie and David uncover and question the ontological and metaphorical baggage behind organisms. In the bonus, they discuss relations between organisms, politics, and reason through the thought of Lukács and Canguilhem.

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