Episode 126: Ecstasy
In episode 126 of Overthink, Ellie and David dive into the experience of ecstasy. They look at interpretations of ecstasy in the tradition of mysticism, where ecstasy has been figured as a loss of self. How common are experiences of ecstasy? Are they limited to religious contexts, or are there alternate avenues for entering ecstatic states? And what about MDMA and its relation to rave culture?
Episode 125: Trans Identity with Talia Mae Bettcher
In episode 125 of Overthink, Ellie and David talk to philosopher Talia Mae Bettcher about her new book Beyond Personhood: An Essay in Trans Philosophy, where she discusses everything from “genderphoria” to her notion of “reality enforcement” (a mechanism of transphobic oppression). In the interview, Dr. Bettcher expresses concerns about certain received views about trans identity, such as the “the wrong body” and “beyond the binary” views, which don’t capture the complexity of trans experiences. How can we move toward a more inclusive culture when it comes to trans identity? And, do we need to reject fundamental philosophical notions such as “person,” “self,” and “subject” in order to combat transphoria?
Episode 124: Intuition
In episode 124 of Overthink, Ellie and David wonder what intuition actually is. Is it a gut feeling, a rational insight, or just a generalization from past experience? They talk about the role intuition has played in early modern philosophy (in the works of Descartes, Hume, and Mill), in phenomenology (in the philosophies of Husserl and Nishida), and in the philosophy of science (in the writings of Bachelard). They also call into question the use of intuitions in contemporary analytic philosophy while also highlighting analytic critiques of the use of intuition in philosophical discourse. So, the question is: Can we trust our intuitions or not? Are they reliable sources of knowledge, or do they just reveal our implicit biases and cultural stereotypes?
Episode 123: Breakups
In episode 123 of Overthink, Ellie and David get into the highs and lows of breakups. What, if anything, is valuable about breakups? Does society’s emphasis on monogamy affect how we conceptualize the end of relationships? And what do you do if your ex still has your Netflix password? Your hosts discuss everything from breakups in the age of social media and chemical solutions to heartache to what the laws against domestic abuse and stalking can tell us about how society views breakups.
Episode 122: Writing
In episode 122, Ellie and David explore where writing began, the value of writing, and our reasons for writing. Is the widespread use of generative AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, a threat to creative and academic writing? How did writing originate in cuneiform, and how does Derrida's deconstruction of logocentrism encourage us to reconsider the privileging of speech over writing? Listen to it all write here, write now!
Episode 121: Dark Moods with Mariana Alessandri
In episode 121 of Overthink, Ellie and David chat with philosopher Mariana Alessandri about her book on dark moods. They talk about how our obsession with metaphors of light fuel toxic positivity, how shame amplifies our dark moods, and how we can connect with one another in moments of emotional darkness. Why do we devalue negative emotions? Is there a good reason why the medical field pathologizes states such as anger, sadness, and grief? And how can we better support those experiencing a dark mood?
Episode 120: Disagreement
In episode 120 of Overthink, Ellie and David talk through different types of disagreement (e.g. disagreements online vs philosophical disagreements) and consider why we have such a tough time dealing with those who don’t see things as we do. Is the format of social media platforms to blame for the bad faith disagreements that occur on them? What role do confidence and conviction play in disagreement? Can we have a world without disagreement, or is disagreement an inevitable feature of our social lives? And how can we navigate the “shitstorm” when others refuse agree with us?
Episode 119: Driving
In episode 119 of Overthink, Ellie and David talk about the experience of driving and the moral and social dilemmas involved with it. How does driving alter our relationship with time and space? What is the “long distance driving problem”, and what does it have to do with animal consciousness? And how should we respond to the uprise in self-driving cars? Buckle in and get ready for this ride into the philosophy of driving.
Episode 118: Comfort
Ellie and David discuss all things comfortable…and uncomfortable. They talk through the conflation of comfort and luxury, modern architecture’s prioritization of comfort, and whether our need for comfort is the reason for our burning planet. With everything from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to “the comfort-industrial complex,” this episode will have you questioning what it takes for us to lead a full and happy life.
Episode 117: Black Consciousness with Lewis Gordon
Ellie and David chat with philosopher Lewis Gordon about his book, Fear of Black Consciousness. They talk through the history of anti-Black racism, the existential concept of bad faith, why Rachel Dolezal might have Black consciousness. From the American Blues to the Caribbean movement of Negritude, this episode is full of insight into Black liberation and White centeredness.
Episode 116: Extinction
Ellie and David talk about extinction, from Christian eschatology, to the perils of Anthropocene, to cutting-edge de-extinction technology. They turn to animal ethics and scientific dilemmas in search of the ethical approaches that might equip us to think extinction.
Episode 115: Hope
In episode 115 of Overthink, Ellie and David discuss the meaning of hope, from casual travel plans, to electoral optimism, to theological liberation. They explore Kant’s ambitions for perpetual peace, and discuss the Marxian imperative to transform the world. Should we hope for what seems realistic, or reach for impossible utopias?
Episode 114: Friendship
Ellie and David reflect on the highs and lows of friendship, from their own bond to Montaigne’s intimate connection to Étienne de La Boétie. From Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics to today’s loneliness epidemic, they question what friends do, how they hold each other accountable, and the deep ways in which our vices and virtues are shaped by our friends.
Episode 113: Awkwardness with Alexandra Plakias
Awkward moments are everywhere you look. In episode 113 of Overthink, Ellie and David invite philosopher Alexandra Plakias to talk through her research on awkwardness. They discuss from oversharing online to uncomfortable silences, power, morality, and the core scripts of our social expectations.
Episode 112: Hyperreality
In Episode 112 of Overthink, Ellie and David pick apart hyperreality: our reality today is so inundated by signs that the gap between reality and simulation has all but broken down. From its presence in Superman and Bridgerton to its uncanny role in legitimizing presidential power.
Episode 111: Envy
In episode 111, Ellie and David untangle envy, jealousy, and admiration, in everything from Sigmund Freud to Regina George. They think through the role of envy in social media and status regulation alongside Sara Protasi's The Philosophy of Envy, and investigate the philosophical lineage of this maligned emotion.
Episode 110: Intensity
In episode 110 of Overthink, Ellie and David untangle the role of intensity in shaping our aspirations, cultural tropes, and political goals. They trace its roots in Aristotle's theory of change, medieval science and princely romanticism. They turn to Henri Bergson and Gilles Deleuze’s accounts of consciousness and emotion to explore how intensity looks beyond the scientistic impulse to categorize and quantify, and think about its role in capitalist acceleration.
Episode 109: Predictive Brain with Andy Clark
Ellie and David interview cognitive philosopher Andy Clark, whose cutting edge work on perception offers an intriguing computational model of mind and experience. The predictive processing model promises a healthier relation to neurodiversity, and helps us understand placebos, road safety, chronic pain, anxiety, and even the accidental success of ‘positive thinking.’
Episode 108: Success
Ellie and David analyze success in everything from Zhuangzi’s tales to the corporate world of buzzwords. They discuss party planning, tenure tracks, inspirational quotes, haters, why science seems so successful, and the pitfalls of thinking we’ve got it all figured out.
Episode 107: Organisms
From Kant’s distinction between organisms and mechanisms, to Deleuze and Guattari’s infamous call for ‘bodies without organs,’ Ellie and David uncover and question the ontological and metaphorical baggage behind organisms. In the bonus, they discuss relations between organisms, politics, and reason through the thought of Lukács and Canguilhem.